Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

Υπάλληλος του Υπουργείου Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών
1981-1983 ?t???????? t?? ?µ?µat?? ??????s?? ?p??e???se?? sta ????? ??t?a?, ??? ??? ??t?a?.
1983-1988 ?t???????? t?? ?µ?µat?? ????????????a? t?? ?a?te??? ?a?ep?st?µ??? ?????????? ?a? ????t???? ?p?st?µ??, t?te ???te??? ?S??.
?????????????? ??????
?p??ete? t?? ?esµ? t?? ??p???? ??t?d?????s?? ap? t? 1986 ?ta? p??e????t??e s?µß????? st? ?' ??aµ???sµa ??µ?? ?e??a??.
?? 1990 epa?e???????e s?µß????? st? ?' ??aµ???sµa ?a? a???aße ?a?????ta p???d??? t?? d?et?a 1991-1992.
?? 1994 e???????e ??µ?t???? S?µß????? ?e??a??.
?? 1997 ?ta? ??aµµat?a? t?? ??µ?t???? S?µß??????.
?? 1998 d?et??ese ??t?d?µa???? ?e??a??.
?p? t? 1995 ??? t? 1999 ?ta? µ???? t?? ?.S t?? ??ad?µ?t???? ?p??e???s?? ????? ?.?.
??? d?et?a 1996 - 1998 ?ta? s?µß????? t?? ??µ???? ?e??a?? ???st?? F?t??? se ??µata t????st???? p??ß???? t?? ??µ??.
??? ??t?ß??? t?? 2002 ?ta? ?p???f??? ??µa???? st?? ?d?a?te?? pat??da t?? st?? ??µ? ????? ?a????a?, µe t? st????? t?? ??S??.
?p? t? 1999 ??? t?? ???µß??? t?? 2004 d?et??ese Ge????? G?aµµat?a? t?? ??µ?? ????da???? µe ??µa??? t?? St?fa?? ???st??.
??? ?a??????? t?? 2005 µe ap?fas? t?? ??µ???? ?e??a?? G????? ???a a???aße ?a?????ta Ge????? G?aµµat?a st? ??µa???a ?e??a??. ?a??????a e?te?e? ???? s??e???t? st?? pa??ta?? ''????µa ??t?d?????s??'' st?? ????.
??e? s?µµet?s?e? - pa?a???????se? a??et? S???d??a t?? ????? ?a? t?? ???? ?a??? ?a? ?eµat???? ?µe??de? t?? ??t?d?????s?? e?? ??e? ??ße? µ???? ?a? se d?e??e?? - a?t?d?????t???? d??se??.
????S?? ??????S?
?p? t? 1993 µ???? t? 1996 ?ta? µ???? t?? ??????t???? S?µß?????? t?? ??a??e??? ??s???µe??? ?e??a??.
S????????S???? ???S?
O? µ???? t?? ?S t?? S??????? Sp??dast?? t?? S????? ??????s?? ?p??e???se?? sta ????? ??t?a? ?a? ?a?' ??? t? d????e?a t?? f??t?s?? t?? (1981-1983) s?µµete??e e?e??? st??? a???e? t?? sp??dast???? ????µat??, t?s? se t?p???, ?s? ?a? se pa?e??ad??? ep?ped? µe t?? ?????? Sp??dast??? ???s? ????da?.
???GG???????? ???S?????????
?????eta? ap? ta µa??t??? - ??µ?as?a?? t?? ?????a se d??f??e? ep??e???se?? st?? ?e??a??
?at? t? d????e?a t?? sp??d?? t??, e???st??e ?? ß????? ????st?? st?? ?d??t??? t?µ?a: se ?a?t???a?? eta??e?a, se eta??e?a pa????? ?p??es??? ?a? se ep??e???s? ?a?p???ep?s?e?ast???? e??as???.
???a? ?p??????? t?? ?p????e??? ??????µ?a? ?a? ??????µ????.
????????? ???S?
?p? ta f??t?t??? t?? ?????a, ?ta? e?ta?µ???? st?? ???ste??. ?????? st? ???(???) ?a? a???te?a st?? e??a?? S??asp?sµ?.
?e t?? ?µ?da t?? ste?e??? p?? ap?????sa? ap? t?? S??asp?sµ? e?t?????e st? ??S??.
???se ap? ???t? ta ?e????ta t?? ep???? e?e????, af?? d?at??ese d?e????t?? t?? p???t???? ??afe??? t?? p???? ß???e?t? t?? S?? ?a? µet?pe?ta t?? ??S??, ????? Ga?a??? ap? t? 1992 ??? ?a? t?? e?????? e?????? t?? 1996.
????? t?? ?.?. ?at??????a?e??? ??S?? t?? ?? ?' ?e??a??. St? s????e?a µ???? t?? ??????s?? ?.?. ????? ?a????a? ?a? µ???? t?? ?.?. ?' ??aµe??sµat?? ?e??a?? t?? ??S??.
??e???? s??ed??? ap? t?? ??????s? ?' ?e??a?? st? 7? ?a? 8? S???d??? t?? ??S??.
????S ???O???S
? a??p? t?? ??a t?? ?d?a?te?? pat??da t?? t?? ?d???se st?? e?as????s? t?? µe t??? s???????? t?? pe?????? t?? ?at???? ?a????a? p?? ed?e???? st?? ?e??a??, ??te???ta? ep? se??? et?? (1985-1991) ?? ??aµµat?a? ?a? e? s??e?e?a ?? p??ed??? t?? S??d?sµ?? ?e?a??d??t?? ?a????a? ''? ???t?d??t?ssa'' ?a? ?pe?????? ??d?s?? ep? se??? et?? t?? ef?µe??da? ''?e?a??d??t??a ??a''.
?p?s?? s?µµete??e st? S??t???st??? ??as???????? ???a?? t?? S??d?sµ??-S??????? t?? pe?????? t?? ?at???? ?a????a? p?? ??e? ?d?a st? ?e??a??, µe st??? t?? a??pt??? t?? pe??????.
Sta ?????a t?? ??te?a? t?? st? ??µ? ????? ?a????a? ?? ep??efa??? t?? s??d?asµ?? p?? st????e t? ??S??, s???ßa?e st?? a??de??? t?? p??ß??µ?t?? t?? pe??????, a???p????ta? t?? p???et? eµpe???a t?? st?? ??t?d?????s?, p??ß?????ta? ?a? p??????ta? t?? ??se?? ?a? p??t?se?? t?? ??S?? ??a t?? a?t?d?????s? ?a? t?? a??pt??? t?? pe??????.
O? ??µ?t???? S?µß????? ?e??a?? s?µµete??e ?a????st??? st?? ???p???s? t?? µe????? ?a? d?a???????? st???? ??a t?? d?µ??????a t?? Sp?t??? t?? ?a???t? st?? ?e??a??, p???µa p?? ???p??????e ap? t? ????O?? ep? ?p?????a? ??sta ?a???t?.
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