Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

? ????p?d?? ?afa?t???? ?e??????e st? ???f?ß???? ?a?d?tsa?. ?pef??t?se ap? t? 1? ???e?? ??????? ?a?d?tsa?. ???a? pt???????? Ge?p?????? t?? ???st?t??e?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tes/?????. O? Ge?p???? t?? ?p????e??? Ge????a? e???s???e st?? ?.?.?. ?a?d?tsa?, st?? ?/?s? Ge????a? ?efa???????, st?? ?.?.?. ??????da?.
??a??????e ??a t?? ep?st?µ????? t?? ?at??t?s? ?a??? ?a? ??a t?? ??e??? t?? p??? se s???e???µ??a a???t??? ??µata, ?p?? t? ??st?? t?? a???t???? p?????t??, t?? d?a?e???s? t?? a?de?t???? ?d?t?? se pe???d??? ?e???d??a?, t?? ???s? t?? ?e??? st?? a?t?pa?et??? p??stas?a.
?p?s?? ? ??e??? t?? ??a t?? d??at?t?ta pa?a????? ????? p???t?ta? ?a? ???µas?a? p??e?e?se?? ??a t?? ??µ? ?a?d?tsa? ???s?µ?p??????e ap? t? ?p. Ge????a? ?? p??t?p? ??a t?? a??pt??? ????? ???µas?a? p????e?s?? st? aµpe???????? ???? ?ese?????a-??s??t??-???f?ß??????.
O? st??e??? t?? ?p. Ge????a? s?µµete??e se p????? ep?st?µ?????? ?a? e?e???t???? ?µ?de? µe a?t??e?µe??, t?? e??µ???s? ?a? e?pa?de?s? t?? a???t??, t?? a?t?µet?p?s? t?? ?fa?µ???s?? t?? ?d?t?? , t?? eµp???t?sµ? t?? ?e?t??se??, t?? ??????µ?a ?e??? st?? ??de?s?, t?? ep?d?as? t?? st???e??? t?? ed?f??? st?? ?a??te?? p???t?ta ?a? pa?a???? t?? a???t???? p?????t??.
?p?s?? e???s???e ?? Ge?p???? ?d??t?? st?? ?a?d?tsa (1990-1993) se ?e?p?????? efa?µ???? st?? ?a??????e?e? t?? ??µ??, ?a??? ep?s?? ?a? ?? ep??efa??? ep?st?µ?????? ?µ?da? a????s?? edaf??. ?? 1982 pa?a?t????e ap? t? ?p. Ge????a? ap?de??µe??? t? ??s? t?? ??µ???? ??a?a?.
???????? ???S?
?. 1982-1985:??µ????? ??a?a?. 1985-87: ??µ????? ?a???s?a?. 1987-89: Ge?. G?aµµat?a? ?e??f??e?a? ?pe????.
?. 1993-1996:????e?t?? ?a?d?tsa?. 1997-1999: ?/?t?? G?af.?p?????? ?a?de?a?.
G. 1978-1982 :a.ep?t??p? a???t?? ??S??. ß. ep?t??p? ep?st?µ???? ??S??.
?. 1990-1996 :a.t?µ?a? a?t?d/s?? ??S??. ß.1997-99:t?µ?a? pa?de?a???S??.
2004-2005:???µ???? ?S??? ????sa?.S??t???st??? ?µ?da p?st?p???s?? d?ad??as??? S??ed????. S??ed??? s'??a ta S???d??a t?? ??S??.
?. 2005-s?µe?a:????? t?? G?aµµate?a? t?? t?µ?a ?e?µ????s?? ??S??.
S?.2006:????? t?? ep?t??p?? e???????? a???a st?? e?????? st?? e?????? ??a t?? ??p??? ?a? ??µa???a?? ??t?d?????s? st?? ?a?d?tsa. ?p? ?efa??? ???µa???? st?????? t?? ep?????? t?? ??S?? st?? ??µa???a ?a? st?? d?µ? ?a?d?tsa?.
2007 - 2008: ?e??µß???? - ?a????????-Feß????????: ????? ???S ?a? µ???? ???µa???? p??s??ed??a??? d?a????? st? Tessa??a.
?. ????? ????a ?a? s??e?te??e?? sta ?µe??s?a ?a? pe???d??? ???.(epa???a?? ?a? ????a???),p???t???? d?a???e?? ?a? ?µ???e?, s????af?a? t?? ß?ß???? «se t????? epa???p??s??» µe p???t??? pe??e??µe??.(p???????e? ? G ? ?apa?d????).
?. ??e??e?? S??a?t?se??-S???d??a:1983:????a:??e???? S???d??? µe ??µa:«??????µ??? ???s?-d?µ???at???? p????aµµat?sµ??»:e?s???t?? .
1983:?a??a-S???d?a:??p??? a??pt???,?a??? ep?µ/s?,S??eta???sµ??.
1988:???????e?:S??a?t?se?? Ge?.G?aµ.?e??fe?e??? ??a t?? ???p???s? t?? ???. ???a??:?µ???e? st??? ?????e? µeta??ste?.
1995:????a(??ppe??):??s???t?? :?? ??S?? S????? G?? ??? ???O??.
1995:??s?a:e?s???t?? st? pa???sµ?? S???d??? ????d???? ????e?t??.
1994:??s???t?? st? p???t??? S???d??? ??a t?? ???.??ast??a.(?a?d?tsa-?????)
2005-s?µe?a:??e???? p???t??? s?µµet??? st? political forum t?? ????d??? t?? ??S??.
T. ????t???? ??a???e??: ?a??f?st? 2010( ? ?????):«?a???sµ??p???s? ?a? ????p?.? p???de?t??? p??e?a.(?a?d?tsa 02/09/2003.)
?a??f?st? 2010(? ?????):«??ß????s? t?? ?????p??-???ta????st?? ? ????t??.(?a?d?tsa 19/01/2004).
????O???? ???S?
1. S????af?a? t?? ß?ß????-µ???st???µat??,«? G?????? ??? ???????» e?d?se?? ?. ?????? 1997.
2. ????????? ???? ?? e? t?? ?a?????t?? µ?? ?? ??µ????,?e?/??,????e?t?.
3. 1978:???ed??? t?? S??????? Ge?p???? ??????da?.
4. 1979-1981:????? S??t???st???? ?p?t??p?? d??s?s?? t?? pa?a??a? «?a?a???a» ?a?p???? ?a? t?? ß??t?p?? t?? d?s??? t?? ??????.
5. 1979-1982:Ge?. G?aµµat?a? t?? ?.S. t?? ?a?e?????a? ?µ?sp??d?a? Ge?p????
6. 1979-1982:????? t?? S??t???st???? ?p?t??p?? ??µ?s???pa???????? ???a??se??(S???) ??a t?? e?d?µ???at?sµ? t?? ?????.
7. ?d??t??? µ???? t?? ?d??µat?? «Ge?????? ?apa?d????»
8. ????? ep?t??p?? ??a t?? a??de??? t?? ????? t?? ?????p?????? G?O?G??? ??F?????? se s??e??as?a µe t? ??e?µat??? ???t?? «Ge?????? ?afa?t????»(2000-s?µe?a). ??a?????? µ?? ?? ep?t?µ?? d?µ?t? t?? ??µ?? F?a???sta? ????ta??a? (?e??te??a? p????p?????? Ge?????? ?afa?t???) ?a? ap???µ? t?? ??e?d??? t?? p???? µe ?µ?f??? ap?fas? t?? ?.S t?? ??µ?? st? s??ed??as? t??, st?? 05-08-2000.
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