Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |
? T?µ?? ??µp?p????? e??a? pa?t?eµ???? ap? t? 1989 µe t?? ??s? Stefa??d? pt??????? t?? tµ?µat?? F?s???? t?? F?s???µa??µat???? s????? t?? ?.?.T ?a? ????? t??a pa?d??. ??? ?p?st??? 19 et??, t?? ?a??a 16 et?? ?a? t?? ?a??? 6 et??. ???a? ? ep??e???µat?a?, p?? ??e? ta?t?se? t? ???µa t?? ?e???? µe t? a?t?????t? - d?e????e? t? µe?a??te?? eta???a st? ???? t?? a?t?????s?? st? Tessa??????, µ?a ap? t?? p?? d??aµ???? ?a? d?ast???e? t?? ????? ?a? ap? t?? µe?a??te?e? st?? ????da. (S?µf??a µe ta ep?s?µa st???e?a t?? ICAP, ? eta???a t?? p?? apas???e? 200 ?t?µa p??s?p???, s?µpe????f???e st? ??sta µe t?? 500 p???? ?e?d?f??e? ep??e???se?? t?? ????da?, st?? 173? ??s?! ). ?a??????a ??e? s??d?se? t? ???µ? t?? ???? ?????????? e?a?s??s?a? ?a? µe t?? a???t?sµ? ?a? t?? p???t?sµ?, µ?s? µ?a? e??e?a? se???? ????????? ????se??.
? T?µ?? ??µp?p????? t?? ?p?st???? ?a? t?? ?a??a? ?e??????e st?? Tessa?????? t? 1961. ?e?e??se t? ???e?? ?a?aµa???? t? 1978 ?a? s?????se t?? sp??d?? t?? sta ?????, st? tµ?µa ??e?t???????.
?? ep??e???µat???? t?? ??a??t?te?, ????sa? ?a d?afa????ta? ap? ????? ?a? ? d??aµ??? a?apt???a?? t?? p??e?a ?fe??eta? st? s???pe?a, st? st?at????? ?a? sta ste???? t??.
???e ????? d?µ?????e? ?a? ??a µe???? ????:
? d?ast????t?t? t?? ????se t? 1978 se ?????a 18 et??, µe ??a p?at???? ße?????? st? ?tep? µe µ?de???? ?ef??a?a.
?? 1982 a????e? ?a? de?te?? p?at???? st?? ???a?a (p?? t?µ?ta? ep? se??? et?? µe t? d?????s? t?? ???s?? ?st????).
?? 1983 d?e?d??e? µeta?? p????? µe????? ep??e???µat??? ?a? pa?? t? ?ea?? t?? ?????a? t?? – µ???? 22 et?? – pa???e? t?? a?t?p??s?pe?a t?? Renault ??t???? Tessa???????, t?? ?p??a a?ade????e? ap? t?te µ???? s?µe?a, p??t? se p???se?? st?? ???e?a ????da ?a? ? ?p??a e????eta? ap? t??? a?a???ste? t?? pe???d???? Auto ???t? ??a e?d??at? s??e?? f??? 1? d?µ?f???ste?? µ???da st?? ???e?a ????da. ?????e? t? p??t? t?? ?at?st?µa eµp???a? ?a? service a?t?????t??, t?? RENAULT ??????????S, st?? ?d? ???ast?????.
?a??????a, ?µ?? a?apt?sse? ?a? ??t??? s??d??a??st??? d?ast????t?ta. ?? 1983 e????eta? Ge?. G?aµµat?a? t?? p?at???????? ße?????? ??µ?? Tessa??????? ?a? p?a?µat?p??e? µa?? µe ta µ??? t?? ?.S t?? s?µate??? t? ??e??? de?aet??? t?? ße?????p????, t?? ap??t?s? ?d???t?t?? ??afe???, ?a??? ?a? t?? ???µ?s? t?? d?? µe?????? ?eµ?t??: t?? ?e?µ???as?a? t?? ????? t?? ?a?s?µ?? ?a? t?? ??a????.
To 1984 a????e? ?a? t??t? p?at???? ße??????.
?? 1985 a????e? t?ta?t? p?at???? ße?????? st?? pe??fe?e?a??.
?p? t? 1986 ?? t? 1988 ?p??ete? t? st?at??t??? t?? ??te?a.
?? 1989 a????e? t? ?e??d??e?? «????» 200 ?????? ?? ?at?????a?, st? F????a t?? ?a???d????.
?? 1991 a????e? t? ?e??d??e?? «????F??» 150 ?????? ?? ?at?????a?, st? ??s?d? t?? ?a???d????.
?? 1992 µetaf??e? t?? e??atast?se?? t?? RENAULT ??????????S st?? pe????? t?? «Sfa?e???» ?p?? ap? t? 1989 e??e a???ase? t?? eta???a t?? ?paµe????da ?a???a??, µa?? µe t? ?st????? ?t???? µ??µe?? p?? ??t?sa? G????? t? 1917, t? ?p??? ?ta? ????????t??? ?atest?aµµ??? ?a? t? ?p??? a?apa?a??se µe ?d?a ?ef??a?a ????? ??at???? ep???????se??, ?a?????ta? st?? p??? ??a st???d? p?? ????e afet???a a??p?as?? t?? ??t???? e?s?d?? t?? p????.
?? 1992 sa? ?d??t??? µ???? t?? SEAT Tessa??????? ?a? t?? SAAB st?? ???e?a ????da, s?µµet??e? st?? eta???e? Car Center, Top Car, Starco ?? t? 1995.
To 1993 ?d??se t?? «T???SS? ??? ????S» eta???a ?e????? t????sµ?? ?a? e?????as?? a?t?????t??.
?? 1993 ?d??se a??µ? t?? ep??e???s? e?sa????? ?a? eµp???a? a?ta??a?t???? a?t?????t?? ?a? ????t?? t??ef???a? «??????».
?? 1995 ?d??se t? ROBAL eta???a eµp???a? p??f?? a???µ?????.
?? 2000, st?? ?????ß???e?t???? ??????? s?µµete??e st? ??f?d??t?? t?? ??S??. ???t?? ep??a??? ß???e?t?? t?? ?’ Tessa???????, ??a 41 ??f??? de? e???????e ß???e?t??.
?? 2001 d?µ??????se st? 2? ??µ Te?/????? – ?????? t?? p??t? p??t?p? ???????? ?G??? ??????????? st?? ???e?? ????da, µe st??? ?a ?a???e? t?? a????e? ??? µ??? t?? ???e??e??ad???? ?????, a??? ?a? t?? ??t??a?at?????? ????p??, µ?a? a????? p?? s??t?µa ?a pe??se? st? ep??e?t??. ??e? e??at?st?se t?? a?t?p??s?pe?a t?? RENAULT ??????????S, t?? ep??e???s? t?? e?sa????? ?a? eµp???a? EXECUTIVE CARS, t?? ep??e???s? t?? eµp???a? p???t???? µeta?e???sµ???? a?t?????t??, ta s??e??e?a a?t?????t?? ?a? ta fa??ßafe?a pa?t?? t?p??. ?a??????a µet?fe?e se pa?a?e?µe?e? e??atast?se?? ?a? t?? d?ast????t?te? t?? ?????? p?? e??a? s?µe?a e???s??d?t?µ???? ?µp???? t?? BOSCH, t?? NEXA AUTOCOLORS, t?? BLAUPUNKT, t?? APS ?a? d?a??µ?a? t??:
BILSTEIN,SACHS, KAYABA, SNR, VALEO, TEXTAR, ZIMMERMANN, LOCTITE, BP, CASTROL ?a? p????? ????? eta????? a?ta??a?t???? a?t?????t??..
?? 2002 p??s??te? st? d??aµ??? t?? ?µ???? t?? ep??e???se?? t?? t?? ROBORENT t?? p??t?p???a?? eta???a µa?????????? ?a? ß?a????????? ?e?t???????? µ?s??se?? (Operating Leasing) µe ta p????ste?a eta????? p?????µµata st?? ????da.
?? 2004 ?at?ß??e ?a? de?te?? f??? st?? e??????? st?ß?, st?? ?’ pe??f??e?a Tessa??????? ?a? a????st??e µe ??e? t?? t?? d???µe?? ??a t? ??S??.
?? 2006 ap?d?????e t?? p??tas? ?a? ??????e t?? s??d?asµ?? t?? ??S?? «???GG???????? ????????» st?? e?????? ??a t? ?pa??e?µat??? ?p?µe??t???? Tessa???????, ?p?? sa? µ???? t?? ?.S. ?a? ep??efa??? t?? pa??ta??? d??e? t?? a???a ??a t?? epa??e?µat??? ??sµ? t?? Tessa???????..
?? 2007 ?e????se t? ?t?s?µ? t?? ???? e??atast?se?? ?p?? ?a ste??se? ta ??a e???s??d?t?µ??a s??e??e?a MERCEDES BENZ.
?? 2007 ???e? ep?s?? t? ??µa ?a? «a?eß??e?» t?? ROBORENT ?a? st?? ????a (?d? ??e? ?e?t?????se? ?p??atast?µat? t?? st? Tessa??????, st?
???t?, st?? ??????a, st?? ??t?a, st? ?????a ?a? st? ????sa). ??a 3???f? ????d?µ? st? ?e?f??? S?????? et??µ??eta? p??et?d?? ?a ste??se? t??
pet???µ??e? ?p??es?e? t?? ROBORENT.
???a? ??a? a?t?d?µ??????t?? ep??e???µat?a?, ???? ?a? d??aµ???? µe ??aµa ?a? d??s? , µe ??e? ?d?e? s??d?a ?a? ??e??a, ??? µ??? ??a t??
ep??e???µat??? a??pt??? t?? ????da?, a??? ??a ???e µ???? ? µe???? st???.
Seµ???, ????? s?µß?ßasµ???, µe d??aµ? ?a? p???pt??? – ???e? p??? ?a?? t?? a???? ?a? t? ???a ?a? µp??e? ?a p??sf??e?.
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