Σάββατο, 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2024


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? ?d??t?at??? S?f?a ??????? ?e??????e st?? ????a ?p?? s??e???e? ?a ?e? ?a? ?a e????eta? µ???? s?µe?a. ???? ?efa????t? ?e??a t?? ????? ?a?te?e?µ??a ??a????, µe????se s' a?t? t? ??af??? ?e?t???? t?? ????a?, ?pa??e, p??e s???e??. ???? ?? ?ta? ep?st?e?e ap? t?? ?µe????, ?p?? ??a?e µetapt???a??? sp??d??, st? ?e?t???? t?? ????? ?a?te?e?µ??a ?a?a????se. ??e? ?ft?a?e µe µe???? t? ?at?e?? t?? µe f??t? t?? e????s?a. G?a t? S?f?a ??????? de ??e?ta? epa??e?µat??? ? p??s?p??? ??? ????? s?µµet??? sta ?????. ? pat??a? t??, ?a?a??? ????????, ?e??a?, ???e??????, s????af?a?, ?p???e ?????p?? µe ??t??? ????????? d??s?. ?p? t?? ???st?? t?? d?ast????t?te? ?ta? ? ?d??s? t?? St???? Ge???t?? t?? e????a? t?? ????? ?a?te?e?µ??a (?????? & F???? ????a), ? ?d??s? t?? µa?t?????ta?-????d?a? ?.a. ? p??s?p???t?ta t?? sf????se t? ??? ?a? ta p?ste?? t??. ?p? ta ef?ß??? t?? ?d? ?????a ?a sta?e? st? p?e??? t??, ????te s??e?sf????ta? st? St???, ????te s?µµet????ta? st? ????d?a ?a? t? µa?t?????ta. ??t? ? st?s? ?a t?? ?d???se? st? s????e?a ?a? st?? ep????? t?? sp??d?? t?? st?? ?at???? ?a? st? ep???e?µa... S?????S 1985 – 1991, ?????? ?ap?d?st??a?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ??????, ?d??t?at???? S????. 1995-1996, µete?pa?de?s? (training) st?? micro-dentistry aesthetic and laser applications, F????? ??????a, ?p? t?? ep?ß?e?? t?? ?a????t? William Frost. 1996 p?st?p???t??? -Certificate of American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, H?? 2003, µa??µata e?e?d??e?s?? ??a ?ste?-e?s?µat??µe?a eµf?te?µata (Branemark system), ????a, 3? Certificate, eµf?te?µ?t??. 18-3-2005 – s?µe?a, ?p???f?a ??d??t?? ?at????? S????? µe ???st??? a?t??e?µe?? t?? d?at??ß?? «?e??t? t?? ??f?as?? p??te?????? p?????t?? se ep?µ?e?, t?? ????d??? EGFR ?a? c-erB-3 p?? s?et????ta? µe t?? ?a????????es? st?? st?µat??? ?????t?ta», ?p? t?? ep?ß?e?? t?? ??. ?a????t? ?. ?a??a?t???, ?. ??. ?a????t? G?a??p??s?p???? ?e??????????. ? d?da?t????? d?at??ß? ß??s?eta? st? te???? st?d?? t?? s????af?? t??, e?? ??e? ?d? sta?e? ??a d?µ?s?e?s? st? e??te????. ????S ???S???????O? S????GO? ?d??t?at????? S??????? ?????? - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry - ???????? ?e???d??t??????? ?ta??e?a - ???????? ??ad?µ?a ??s??t???? ?d??t?at????? - ???????? ?ta??e?a ?p?st????t???? ?????? t?? St?µat?? st?? ?????????? ?s?e??. ??S?G?S??S - S??????? 16 ??????? 2005, ????a, ??s???s? st? d??µe??da t?? ??????? ???t??? ??µ?s?a? ??????s?? ?a? ??t?d?????s?? (????) ??a ta «S??????a ??µata ?d??t?at?????, pe??ß?????, a?s??t???, t?se?? ?a? p???pt????», µe ??µa «? ??s??t??? ?d??t?at???? se s??s? µe t?? f?s??? ??f?as? t?? p??s?p??». ????? 2005, Sp??t?, ??s???s? st? 6? ?aµpe??p????s?a?? ?d??t?at???? S???d??? µe ??µa: «??ast??? ?e????????? t?? pe???d??t??? ??a ?????? ap???µ??µ???? ?????». [?a?at??? S., ?a????? ?., ??????? S.] Feß???????? 2005, ???ed??? t?? ???a??t???? ?p?t??p?? t?? 2?? ??e????? S??ed???? t?? ????????? ??ad?µ?a? ??s??t???? ?d??t?at????? (????) ?a? s??t???st?? t?? p??t?? s??ed??as?? t?? 18.2.2005. ????O????S ???S?????????S 2006 ??? s?µe?a ???ed??? ?µ???? ?efa?????a? ?a? ?????? 2005 ??? s?µe?a ??e???t??a F??a?a? ?as?? 2004 ??? s?µe?a, ???ed??? S??????? ?p?t??p?? t?? ??µ?? ????a???. 2000 ??? s?µe?a, a????? St???? Ge???t?? ????? ?a?te?e?µ??a ??a????. 2006 d???????s? p???t?st???? e?d???se?? f??a????p???? ?a?a?t??a, µe s????µa ? "? s?f?a e?sa? es?" ????S???S??S ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? st? International Journal of Oncology : 3.056 EGFR and c-Jun exhibit the same pattern of expression and increase gradually during the progress of oral oncogenesis. Vairaktaris E, Loukeri S, Derka S, Vassiliou S, Nkenke E, Kessler P., Spyridonidou S, Psyrri A., Vylliotis A, Papakosta V, Lazaris A, Agrogiannis G., Warnke P., Stathopoulos P., Yapijakis C, Patsouris E. ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? st? Cancer Letters: 2, 938 Abundance and localization of erbB2 may stimulate tumour growth during initial stages of oral oncogenesis Moulavassili P, Vairaktaris E, Papakosta V, Derka S, Vassiliou S, Nkenke E, Kessler P., Spyridonidou S, Vylliotis A, Papakosta V., Loukeri S, Lazaris AC, Tesseromatis C., Anagnostopoulou S, Yapijakis C, Patsouris E. - ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? st? Journal of Science : 1.046, ??µ?s?e?s? 4? H-ras and c-fos exhibit similar expression patterns during oral oncogenesis Vairaktaris E, Papakosta V, Derka S, Vassiliou S, Nkenke E, Spyridonidou S, Vylliotis A, Lazaris AC, Kokkori A, Moulavassili P, Loukeri S, Perrea D, Donta I, Yapijakis C, Patsouris E. ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? st? Journal of Surgery Oncology Non – palpable mammographic solid breast tumors: is the mammotome biopsy the final solution? Zografos G., Zagouri F., Filipakis G., Nonni A., Oikonomou B., Fotiadis C. Loukeri S, Bramis J. ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? sta ???e?a ????????? ?at????? ? ???s? t?? ?p?ß?????µe??? ap? a?a???f?s? ß????a? (mammotome biopsy) st? d?????s? t?? ap?t?ta??se?? ?????f?? G., ?a????? F., ????????? ?., F?t?? ?., ????? ?., ?se????a? ?., G. G?a??a??p?????, Gaolahi M., ??????? S., ?p??µ?? ?. ??µ?s?e?s? e??as?a? st? ?e???d??? ????????? ?e?????????? ?ta??e?a?. ? ???s? t?? ?p?ß?????µe??? ap? a?a???f?s? ß????a? (mammotome biopsy) st? d?????s? µ? ???af?t?? s?µpa??? µast???af???? a?????se??. ?????f?? G., ?a????? F., ????????? ?., ?sa???? ?., ??????µ?? ?., ????? ?., ?a?a??? ?., G?a??a??p????? G., Gaolahi M., ??????? 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