The Editorial Committee of GPJ’s The Digital Elections Version welcomes the submission of articles from politicians, academics, professionals and
journalists on all aforementioned subjects.
Articles may be directed to the Editor Professsor George Gantzias, email:
gpj@greekelections.com. All articles will be subjected to scrutiny by the Editorial Committee.
The author’s full name, address, e-mail address, and professional capacity should be included.
The Editorial Committee also welcomes suggestions for articles from potential authors. Contributions can be in the form of new articles and essays,
or "feedback" pieces on existing published articles. The Editorial Committee considers articles on the basis that they have not been previously published
or submitted to other media. Articles should not exceed 1,500 words.
Professor George K. Gantzias Editor Greek Politics Journal, Hellenic Open University
Email: gpj@eklogesonline.com, gpj@greekelections.com
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